30 June 2008

Esther Ashabraner [????-????]

>>> Esther Ashabraner is the daughter of Henry Ashabran(n)er and Barbara Kingery.

Children of :

  1. ?

>>> Don't know where this descendant belongs. Look at my Descendants of Urban Aschenbrenner Chart to see how the relationships stack-up.

Sources and Citations

1790 United States Federal Census Abstract:
Location: NC, Lincoln Co., No Township Listed, 4th Company;
Roll: M637-7; Page: 113; Column: 1; Row: 14;
Source: Ancestry.com; Image: 0070;
Searched Name: Henry Ashbraner;
Legend: S=Sex; A=Age; Bef.=Before; b.=Born; Cen.=Census;
Census: 1--3--5--0

  1. S: M - A: 16+ [Bef. 1775] - Henry Ashbraner - b. Bef. 1756 in 1800 cen.
  2. S: F - A: [Not Determined] - Barbara - b. Bef. 1756 in 1800 cen.
  3. S: M - A: 0-15 [1775-1790] - Henry - b. 1773 in 1850 cen.
  4. S: M - A: 0-15 [1775-1790] - Daniel - b. 1780-1781 in 1810-1840 cen.
  5. S: M - A: 0-15 [1775-1790] - John - b. 1786 in 1850 cen.
  6. S: F - A: [Not Determined] - Mary - b. 1776 in 1850 cen.
  7. S: F - A: [Not Determined] -Barbara -
  8. S: F - A: [Not Determined] - Catharine - b. 1787 in 1850 cen.
  9. S: F - A: [Not Determined] - Esther -

29 June 2008

Barbara Ashabraner [????-????]

>>> Barbara Ashabraner is the daughter of Henry Ashabran(n)er and Barbara Kingery. She married John Seagle, the son of John Seagle and Margaret Reep.

Children of John Seagle and Barbara Ashabraner:

  1. Noah Seagle
  2. Polly Ann Seagle
  3. Adam Seagle

>>> Don't know where this descendant belongs. Look at my Descendants of Urban Aschenbrenner Chart to see how the relationships stack-up.

Sources and Citations

1830 Cemetery Burial and Monument:

>>> The Burial of John Seagle


  1. Daniel's Evangelical Reformed and Daniel's Lutheran Cemetery - Lincoln County; By: W. D. Floyd; Page: ?; Printout: ?; Published/Publisher: [1997] USGenWeb Project. This cemetery listing can be found on the following pages: [1] USGenWeb Archives; [2] NCGenWeb Location.

Seagle Family, The - Seagle Family History; By: Jaime ?

14 June 2008

Daniel Ashabraner [c1780-????]

>>> Daniel Ashabraner is the son of Henry Ashabran(n)er and Barbara Kingery.

Children of Daniel Ashabraner and Catherine Froy:

  1. John Ashabraner [M - 1801-1810]
  2. ? Ashabraner [F - 1805-1810]
  3. ? Ashabraner [F - 1805-1810]
  4. ? Ashabraner [F - 1811-1820]
  5. ? Ashabraner [F - 1811-1820]
  6. ? Ashabraner [F - 1811-1820]

Sources and Citations

1790 United States Federal Census Abstract:
Location: NC, Lincoln Co., No Township Listed, 4th Company;
Roll: M637-7; Page: 113; Column: 1; Row: 14;
Source: Ancestry.com; Image: 0070;
Searched Name: Henry Ashbraner;
Legend: S=Sex; A=Age; Bef.=Before; b.=Born; Cen.=Census;
Census: 1--3--5--0

  1. S: M - A: 16+ [Bef. 1775] - Henry Ashbraner - b. Bef. 1756 in 1800 cen.
  2. S: F - A: [Not Determined] - Barbara - b. Bef. 1756 in 1800 cen.
  3. S: M - A: 0-15 [1775-1790] - Henry - b. 1773 in 1850 cen.
  4. S: M - A: 0-15 [1775-1790] - Daniel - b. 1780-1781 in 1810-1840 cen.
  5. S: M - A: 0-15 [1775-1790] - John - b. 1786 in 1850 cen.
  6. S: F - A: [Not Determined] - Mary - b. 1776 in 1850 cen.
  7. S: F - A: [Not Determined] -Barbara -
  8. S: F - A: [Not Determined] - Catharine - b. 1787 in 1850 cen.
  9. S: F - A: [Not Determined] - Esther -

1800 United States Federal Census Abstract:
Location: NC, Lincoln Co., No Township Listed;
Roll: 29; Page: 901; Row: 4;
Source: Ancestry.com; Image: 0312;
Searched Name: Henry Ashabarner;
Legend: S=Sex; A=Age; Bef.=Before; b.=Born; Cen.=Census;
Census: 1--1--2--0--1--0--1--1--0--1--0--0

  1. S: M - A: 45+ [Bef. 1756] - Henry Ashabarner - b. Bef. 1756 in 1800 cen.
  2. S: F - A: 45+ [Bef. 1756] - Barbara - b. Bef. 1756 in 1800 cen.
  3. S: M - A: 16-25 [1775-1784] - Henry - b. 1773 in 1850 cen.
  4. S: M - A: 16-25 [1775-1784] - Daniel - b. 1780-1781 in 1810-1840 cen.
  5. S: F - A: 16-25 [1775-1784] - Mary - b. 1776 in 1850 cen.
  6. S: M - A: 10-15 [1785-1790] - John - b. 1786 in 1850 cen.
  7. S: F - A: 10-15 [1785-1790] - Catharine - b. 1787 in 1850 cen.
  8. S: M - A: 0-9 [1791-1800] - Abraham

1800 Lincoln County Petition:

Daniel Aschrbrener signs a Lincoln County Petition on 25 September 1800.


  1. Bulletin of the Genealogical Society of Old Tryon County, Volume XXII, Number 3, August 1994; Page: 138; Published/Publisher: [1994] Genealogical Society of Old Tryon County.

1806 Marriage Bond Abstract:

Daniel Ashebrener married Cathrein Froy on 21 August 1806 in Lincoln Co., NC. Bond #: 000070857; Record #: 01-013; Image #: 002769; Bondsman: Jhon Seegle; Witness: Paul Whitener, JP.


  1. Ancestry.com - North Carolina Marriage Bonds, 1741-1868 Database; Record #: 01-013; Image #: 002769; Searched Under: Daniel Ashebrener; Published/Publisher: [2008] The Generations Network, Inc.
  2. Family Search - International Genealogical Index, North America; Searched Under: Daniel Ashebrener; Printout: 1 page; Published/Publisher: [1999-2005] Intellectual Reserve, Inc.
  3. Marriage Bonds of Tryon and Lincoln Counties North Carolina; Abstracted & Indexed By: Curtis Bynum; Page: 13; Published/Publisher: [1929] Southern Historical Press, 375 W Broad St., P.O. Box 1267, Greenville, SC 29601

1807 Burke County North Carolina Land Warrent:

Index to Burke County Land Warrants and Surveys 1778-1858, Secretary of State Papers, NC State Archives - Microfilm #: S108.157 & 158 - #0361; Daniel Ashaurner; 31 December 1807; 200 acres on Henrys River.

  1. Journal of Burke County Genealogical Society; Page: 37; Publisher: Burke County Genealogical Society, P.O. Box 661, Morganton, NC 28680-0661.

1810 United States Federal Census Abstract:
Location: NC, Burke Co., Morganton Township;
Roll: 39; Page: 353; Row: 1;
Depository Source: Ancestry.com; Image: 0241;
Searched Name: Danl Ashabraner;
Legend: S=Sex; A=Age; Bef.=Before; b.=Born; Cen.=Census;
Census: 1--0--0--1--0----2--0--0--1--0----0--0----0--000

  1. S: M - A: 26-44 [1776-1784] - Daniel
  2. S: F - A: 26-44 [1776-1784] - Catherine
  3. S: M - A: 0-9 [1801-1810] -
  4. S: F - A: 0-9 [1801-1810] -
  5. S: F - A: 0-9 [1801-1810] - .

1820 United States Federal Census Abstract:
Location: IN, Clark Co., Charlestown Twp;
Roll: M33-13; Page: 37; Row: 15;
Depository Source: Ancestry.com; Image: 46;
Searched Name: Daniel Ashabraner;
Legend: S=Sex; A=Age; Bef.=Before; b.=Born; Cen.=Census;
Census: 1--0--0--0--1--0--3--2--0--1--0--0--1--0--0

  1. M -- Age 26-44 [1776-1794] > Daniel
  2. F -- Age 26-44 [1776-1794] > Catherine
  3. F -- Age 10-15 [1805-1810] >
  4. F -- Age 10-15 [1805-1810] >
  5. M -- Age 0-9 [1811-1820] >
  6. F -- Age 0-9 [1811-1820] >
  7. F -- Age 0-9 [1811-1820] >
  8. F -- Age 0-9 [1811-1820] >
  9. Number of Persons Engaged in Agriculture > 1

1830 United States Federal Census Abstract:
Location: IN, Clark Co., Charlestown Twp;
Roll: 28; Page: 55; Row: 9;
Depository Source: Ancestry.com; Image: 6;
Searched Name: Daniel Ahbraner Note: I read the name as Daniel Ashbraner;
Legend: S=Sex; A=Age; Bef.=Before; b.=Born; Cen.=Census;
Census: 0-0-0-0-1-0-0-1-0-0-0-0-0--0-0-1-1-0-0-0-1-0-0-0-0-0--5

  1. M -- Age 50-59 [1771-1780] > Daniel
  2. F -- Age 50-59 [1771-1780] > Catherine
  3. M -- Age 20-29 [1801-1810] >
  4. F -- Age 15-19 [1811-1815] >
  5. F -- Age 10-14 [1816-1820] >

1840 United States Federal Census Abstract:
Location: IL, McLean Co., No Twp Listed;
Roll: 65; Page: 253; Row: 1;
Depository Source: Ancestry.com; Image: 7;
Searched Name: Daniel Asherbrowner;
Legend: S=Sex; A=Age; Bef.=Before; b.=Born; Cen.=Census;
Census: 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-1-0-0-0-0-0--0-0-0-0-1-0-0-1-0-0-0-0-0--3

  1. M -- Age 50-59 [1781-1790] > Daniel
  2. F -- Age 50-59 [1781-1790] > Catherine
  3. F -- Age 20-29 [1811-1820] >

13 June 2008

Mary Ashabraner [1776-????]

>>> Mary Ashabraner is the daughter of Henry Ashabran(n)er and Barbara Kingery.

Children of Henry Kistler and Mary Ashabraner:

  1. ? Kistler, F -- [1801-1810]
  2. Philip Kistler,
  3. John Kistler,
  4. ? Kistler, F -- [1811-1815]
  5. ? Kistler, M -- [1816-1820]
  6. ? Kistler, F -- [1821-1825]

Sources and Citations

1790 United States Federal Census Abstract:
Location: NC, Lincoln Co., No Township Listed, 4th Company;
Roll: M637-7; Page: 113; Column: 1; Row: 14;
Source: Ancestry.com; Image: 0070;
Searched Name: Henry Ashbraner;
Legend: S=Sex; A=Age; Bef.=Before; b.=Born; Cen.=Census;
Census: 1--3--5--0

  1. S: M - A: 16+ [Bef. 1775] - Henry Ashbraner - b. Bef. 1756 in 1800 cen.
  2. S: F - A: [Not Determined] - Barbara - b. Bef. 1756 in 1800 cen.
  3. S: M - A: 0-15 [1775-1790] - Henry - b. 1773 in 1850 cen.
  4. S: M - A: 0-15 [1775-1790] - Daniel - b. 1780-1781 in 1810-1840 cen.
  5. S: M - A: 0-15 [1775-1790] - John - b. 1786 in 1850 cen.
  6. S: F - A: [Not Determined] - Mary - b. 1776 in 1850 cen.
  7. S: F - A: [Not Determined] - Barbara -
  8. S: F - A: [Not Determined] - Catharine - b. 1787 in 1850 cen.
  9. S: F - A: [Not Determined] - Esther -

1820 United States Federal Census Abstract:
Location: NC, Lincoln Co., West of The South Fork of The Catawba River;
Roll: M33-83; Page: 338; Row: 20;
Depository Source: Ancestry.com; Image: 223;
Searched Name: H Kesler Note: I read the name as H Kisler;
Legend: S=Sex; A=Age; Bef.=Before; b.=Born; Cen.=Census;
Census: 3--1--0--0--1--0--2--0--0--0--0--0--2--0--0

  1. M -- Age 26-44 [1776-1794] > Henry
  2. ? -- I am not sure that this census belongs to Henry Kistler, but it is the only one that I could find that would fit the family and location. There was no female listed to fit the age of Mary. This could have been a mistake of the census taker, bus this is not conclusive.
  3. M -- Age 10-15 [1805-1810] >
  4. M -- Age 0-9 [1811-1820] >
  5. M -- Age 0-9 [1811-1820] >
  6. M -- Age 0-9 [1811-1820] >
  7. F -- Age 0-9 [1811-1820] >
  8. F -- Age 0-9 [1811-1820] >
  9. Number of Persons Engaged in Agriculture > 2

1830 United States Federal Census Abstract:
Location: NC, Lincoln Co., No Twp Listed;
Roll: 122; Page: 155; Row: 4;
Depository Source: Ancestry.com; Image: 7;
Searched Name: Henry Kistler;
Legend: S=Sex; A=Age; Bef.=Before; b.=Born; Cen.=Census;
Census: 0-0-1-2-0-0-0-1-0-0-0-0-0--0-1-0-1-1-0-0-1-0-0-0-0-0--8

  1. M -- Age 50-59 [1771-1780] > Henry
  2. F -- Age 50-59 [1771-1780] > Mary
  3. F -- Age 20-29 [1801-1810] >
  4. M -- Age 15-19 [1811-1815] >
  5. M -- Age 15-19 [1811-1815] >
  6. F -- Age 15-19 [1811-1815] >
  7. M -- Age 10-14 [1816-1820] >
  8. F -- Age 5-9 [1821-1825] >

1840 United States Federal Census Abstract:
Location: NC, Lincoln Co., Upper Regiment;
Roll: 364; Page: 80; Row: 23;
Depository Source: Ancestry.com; Image: 102;
Searched Name: Henry Kistler;
Legend: S=Sex; A=Age; Bef.=Before; b.=Born; Cen.=Census;
Census: 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-1-0-0-0-0--0-0-0-0-1-1-0-0-1-0-0-0-0--4

  1. M -- Age 60-69 [1771-1780] > Henry
  2. F -- Age 60-69 [1771-1780] > Mary
  3. F -- Age 30-39 [1801-1810] >
  4. F -- Age 20-29 [1811-1820] >

1850 United States Federal Census Abstract:
Location: NC, Lincoln Co., No Twp Listed;
Roll: M432-636; Page: 230; Line: 37-8;
Depository Source: Ancestry.com; Image: 89;
Searched Name: Henry Kistler;
Household: 659-671; Enumeration Date: 16 September 1850

  • 37> Henry Kistler; Age: 75 [1775]; Sex: M; Occ.: Farmer; Birth Place: PA.
  • 38> Mary Kistler; Age: 74 [1776]; Sex: F; Birth Place: NC.

1851 & 1857 Cemetery Burial Abstract:

Kistler Cemetery, Lincoln County, NC - Leaving the the Lincolnton Courthouse take Highway 27 West, turn RIGHT onto North Grove Street, continue on Reepsville Road. Turn RIGHT onto Killian Road. Turn LEFT onto Hoover Road four-tenths of a mile. Cemetery found 300 yards on the RIGHT at the top of a hill.

  • Henry Kistler - d. 29 April 1857; age 83y, 5m, 19d. [b. 10 Dec 1773].
  • Mary Kistler - d. 29 December 1851; age 75y, 8m. [b. ? Apr 1776].
  • Philip Kistler - d. 30 July 1882; age 69y, 11m, 27d [b. 3 Sep 1812].
  • Susannah Kistler - b. 4 April 1814; d. 24 July 1891; wife of P Kistler; age 77y, 3m, 20d.
  • John Kistler - b. 8 November 1813; d. 21 Sep 1836; age 22y, 10m, 13d.


  1. Kistler Cemetery, Lincoln County, NC; By: Terry Waldrop; Page: 1; Printout: 1 page; Published/Publisher: USGenWeb.

10 June 2008

Maria Esther Ashabranner [1760-????]

>>> Maria Esther Ashabranner is the daughter of Urban Aschenbrenner and Anna Maria Balty. Born 25 September 1760 she was christened on 19 [October] 1760 at the Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church in the City of York, York Co., PA.
>>> Esther first married, ? Sheets/Seitz, and had one child, Barbara born about 1782. On 30 Oct 1805 Barbara Sheets married Vincent Wood in Lincoln County North Carolina.
She married, second, Henry Bengel circa 1790 and had 4 known children.

Children of Maria Esther Ashabranner and ? Sheets/Seitz:

  1. Barbara Sheets/Seitz

Children of Maria Esther Ashabranner and Henry Bengel:

  1. John Bangel
  2. Henry Bangel
  3. Mary Bangel
  4. Sally Bangel

Sources and Citations

1760 Birth/Baptism Record: Maria Esther Aschenbrenner, born on 25 September 1760 the daughter of Urban Aschenbrenner and Anna Maria, was baptized on 19 November 1760 at the Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church in the City of York, York Co., PA.


  1. Ancestry.com - York County, Pennsylvania, 1733-1800: Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church Database; Searched Under: Maria Esther Aschenbrenner; Printout: 2 pages; Published/Publisher: [2008] The Generations Network, Inc.
  2. Family Search - International Genealogical Index, North America; Searched Under: Maria Esther Aschenbrenner; Printout: 1 page; Published/Publisher: [1999-2005] Intellectual Reserve, Inc.
  3. German Speaking People West of the Catawba River in North Carolina 1750-1800; Compiled/Edited By: Lorena Shell Eaker; Page: 71, 80; Published/Publisher: [1994] SCK Publications, P.O.Box 2125, Church Hill, TN 37642.
  4. York County, Pennsylvania Church Records of the 18th Century; Compiled & Edited By: Marlene Strawser Bates and F Edward Wright; Page: 169; Published/Publisher: [????] Family Line Publications, Westminster, Maryland.

Diary Entry of Reverend Johann G Arends:

>>> Johann G Arends was a pioneer Lutheran Minister that served in several North Carolina counties including Lincoln County. Listed below are confirmations noted in his diary.

  • Johan Valentin Asschenbrenner [4]
  • Maria Ester Assenbrennen [4]


  1. North Carolina Genealogical Society Journal, Volume: VIII, Number: 4 November 1982 - Article: A List of Children of Settlers of German Descent in Central North Carolina, 1775-1791; Page: 194; Translated By: Ute-Ingrid Seidler; Published/Publisher: [1982] North Carolina Genealogical Society, P.O.Box 1492, Raleigh, NC 27602-1492

1805 Marriage Bond Abstract:

Barbara Sheets married Vincent Woods on 30 October in Lincoln Co., NC. Bond #: 000076753; Record #: 01-136; Image #: 007159; Bondsman: John Horse; Witness: Wm Scott.


  • Ancestry.com - North Carolina Marriage Bonds, 1741-1868 Database; Record #: 01-136; Image #: 007159; Searched Under: Vincent Wood; Published/Publisher: [2008] The Generations Network, Inc.

1852 Cemetery Burial:

Barbara Wood - d. 22 June 1852; age 70 yrs [b. about 1782]; buried at Leonhardt Cemetery, Lincoln Co., NC.

German Speaking People West of the Catawba River in North Carolina 1750-1800; Compiled/Edited By: Lorena Shell Eaker; Page: 70-1, 80-1; Published/Publisher: [1994] SCK Publications, P.O.Box 2125, Church Hill, TN 37642.

  • This is a great source for understanding the families who settled along the Catawba River. A well research book.

09 June 2008

John Valentine "Felda" Ashabranner [????-????]

>>> John Valentine "Felda" Ashabranner is the son of Urban Aschenbrenner and Anna Maria Balty. The confirmation John Valentin and his sister Maria Esther were mentioned in the diary of Johann G Arends a pioneer Lutheran Minister. John appeared in a 1778 Burke County petition using the name of "Felda" alongside his other brothers, Henry, Urban, and Phillip. This petition requested that the governor consider the area where they lived to remain as Tryon County. Felda probably derived from the nickname "Felty" used for the German name "Valentin". He must have died sometime after the 1778 petition signing, because no other documents have been found and no mention of him was made in Urban's will.

>>> Don't know where this descendant belongs. Look at my Descendants of Urban Aschenbrenner Chart to see how the relationships stack-up.

Sources and Citations

Diary Entry of Reverend Johann G Arends:

>>> Johann G Arends was a pioneer Lutheran Minister that served in several North Carolina counties including Lincoln County. Listed below are confirmations noted in his diary.

  • Johan Valentin Asschenbrenner [4]
  • Maria Ester Assenbrennen [4]


  1. North Carolina Genealogical Society Journal, Volume: VIII, Number: 4 November 1982 - Article: A List of Children of Settlers of German Descent in Central North Carolina, 1775-1791; Page: 194; Translated By: Ute-Ingrid Seidler; Published/Publisher: [1982] North Carolina Genealogical Society, P.O.Box 1492, Raleigh, NC 27602-1492

1778 Burke County Petition

>>> On 25 December 1778, residents of the newly reformed Burke County petitioned the Governor to remain a part of Tryon Co., NC. This included four of Urban's sons, Henry, Urban, Jr., Phillip, and Felda (John Valentine). All four brothers signed a Burke County petition in 1778/9 requesting the governor to consider the area where they lived to remain as Tryon County. It is not clear if they were living on their father's property, nor is it certain that the named Orband (Urban) was senior or junior, although it was likely Urban, Jr. This petition would never become reality since Tryon County was abolished in 1779 and replaced by the newly created Lincoln and Rutherford Counties. Many of these long time residences were again affected as neighboring county lines were again redrawn.

>>> This document shows the earliest consensus of the adopted spelling in the family name. All four of Urban's sons clearly signed their name using the "Ashabraner" spelling. Before 1778, Urban's signature appeared to vary greatly, resulting in a multitude of interpretations in spelling. The spellings varied to such an extent that I had only his first name and the location of the found document to go by to confirm the connection. There may yet be undiscovered documents waiting to be found. It is likely that the final variation in the spelling of this family name was meant to be "Ashabranner". This family name is phonetically simple and easy to pronounce. It is ironic that while researching my family that I would find this name so commonly misspelled. This presented to me an unusual circumstance to solve. How many spellings exist today which stem from Urban? I know of at least 6 variations: (In order of the highest common appearance in numbers.) [Date of the earliest known use.]

  • Aschenbrenner [1740]
  1. Ashabranner
  2. Ashabraner [1778]
  3. Asherbranner
  4. Asherbraner
  5. Ashabrann
  6. Ashabran

>>> I believe that there may be other variations in spelling used today. I am interested in understanding how each variation became created and when it derived. Please contact me if you share any of the above variations and when you believe it changed. Include your ancestral line. >>> There also seemed to be a strange but common circumstance of flip-flopping the spelling from one generation to the next and back again. [ie: Ashabraner to Ashabranner to Ashabraner]


  1. German Speaking People West of the Catawba River in North Carolina 1750-1800; Compiled/Edited By: Lorena Shell Eaker; Page: 35-6; Published/Publisher: [1994] SCK Publications, P.O.Box 2125, Church Hill, TN 37642.

German Speaking People West of the Catawba River in North Carolina 1750-1800; Compiled/Edited By: Lorena Shell Eaker; Page: 35-6, 70-1; Published/Publisher: [1994] SCK Publications, P.O.Box 2125, Church Hill, TN 37642.

  • This is a great source for understanding the families who settled along the Catawba River. A well research book.

08 June 2008

Urban Asharanner [????-????]

Urban Ashabranner is the son of Urban Aschenbrenner and Anna Maria Balty.

Don't know where is this descendant belongs. Look at my Descendants of Urban Aschenbrenner Chart to see how the relationships stack-up.

Sources and Citations

1778 Burke County Petition

>>> On 25 December 1778, residents of the newly reformed Burke County petitioned the Governor to remain a part of Tryon Co., NC. This included four of Urban's sons, Henry, Urban, Jr., Phillip, and Felda (John Valentine). All four brothers signed a Burke County petition in 1778/9 requesting the governor to consider the area where they lived to remain as Tryon County. It is not clear if they were living on their father's property, nor is it certain that the named Orband (Urban) was senior or junior, although it was likely Urban, Jr. This petition would never become reality since Tryon County was abolished in 1779 and replaced by the newly created Lincoln and Rutherford Counties. Many of these long time residences were again affected as neighboring county lines were again redrawn.
>>> This document shows the earliest consensus of the adopted spelling in the family name. All four of Urban's sons clearly signed their name using the "Ashabraner" spelling. Before 1778, Urban's signature appeared to vary greatly, resulting in a multitude of interpretations in spelling. The spellings varied to such an extent that I had only his first name and the location of the found document to go by to confirm the connection. There may yet be undiscovered documents waiting to be found. It is likely that the final variation in the spelling of this family name was meant to be "Ashabranner". This family name is phonetically simple and easy to pronounce. It is ironic that while researching my family that I would find this name so commonly misspelled. This presented to me an unusual circumstance to solve. How many spellings exist today which stem from Urban? I know of at least 6 variations: (In order of the highest common appearance in numbers.) [Date of the earliest known use.]
  • Aschenbrenner [1740]
  1. Ashabranner
  2. Ashabraner [1778]
  3. Asherbranner
  4. Asherbraner
  5. Ashabrann
  6. Ashabran

>>> I believe that there may be other variations in spelling used today. I am interested in understanding how each variation became created and when it derived. Please contact me if you share any of the above variations and when you believe it changed. Include your ancestral line.
>>> There also seemed to be a strange but common circumstance of flip-flopping the spelling from one generation to the next and back again. [ie: Ashabraner to Ashabranner to Ashabraner]

07 June 2008

Phillip Ashabranner [????-????]

>>> Phillip Ashabranner is the son of Urban Aschenbrenner and Anna Maria Balty. Phillip first appeared in a 1778 Burke County petition along with his brothers, Henry, Urban, and Felda (John Valentine). This petition requests that the governor consider the area where they lived to remain as Tryon County.
>>> Signs of the American Revolution begin in 1772 when Patriot groups create committees of correspondence which would eventually become a Provincial Congress for each, but not all of the colinies. By 1775 the American Revolution had begun dividing the colonists into Patriots and Loyalists. Colonists loyal to the crown were often called Loyalists, Tories, Royalists, or King's Men by the Patriots. Phillip becomes a Tory supporting the British Crown and joins the North Carolina Regiment. The reason for his support are not known, but this action would cause hardships for his father, Urban and brothers, Henry and Urban, jr. On 4 February 1781, Phillip enlists under Major Nicholas Welch's Company of the Royal North Carolina Regiment in Hillsborough, NC. Under this command he serves as a Private from 24 February 1781 to 24 April 1781. When his enlistment ends with Major Nicholas Welch's Company, he enlists under Captain John Wormley's Company of the Royal North Carolina Regiment in Wilmington, NC, on 24 October 1781. With Captain John Wormley's Company he serves as a Private from 25 October 1781 to 24 December 1781. On 24 April 1782, he reinlists with Captain John Wormley's Company and serves as a Corporal for 61 days from 25 April 1782 to 24 June 1782.
>>> On 3 September 1783 the Treaty of Paris was signed formally ending the American Revolutionary War. Separate agreements with France, Spain and the Dutch Republic were also signed by the Kingdom of Great Britain on the same day. The treaty with Spain ceded the colonies of East and West Florida back to Spain ending the 20 year control of these colonies by the Kingdom of Great Britain. During the Revolutionary War colonists from Georgia, North and South Carolina fled to escape unwelcomed support of the crown. Many of these Loyalists came to Florida thinking that they would remain subjects of the crown and would remain under the protection of the Kingdom of Great Britain. The Treaty of Paris revolked this Loyalist sanctuary and many residents would have no choice but to leave again. Phillip was no different, during the Spanish census of 1783 it was noted that Phillip, an unmarried weaver and native of Pennsylvania (This was likely a reference to his birth place.), requests for Spanish protection until he can leave the country. The fate of Phillip after this date is not known.
>>> In 1795, the patriarch of the family, Urban Aschenbrenner, dies. In his father's will, Phillip was given seven years to make a claim on his father's estate. No claim has ever been found.

>>> Don't know where is this descendant belongs. Look at my Descendants of Urban Aschenbrenner Chart to see how the relationships stack-up.

Sources and Citations

1778 Burke County Petition

>>> On 25 December 1778, residents of the newly reformed Burke County petitioned the Governor to remain a part of Tryon Co., NC. This included four of Urban's sons, Henry, Urban, Jr., Phillip, and Felda (John Valentine). All four brothers signed a Burke County petition in 1778/9 requesting the governor to consider the area where they lived to remain as Tryon County. It is not clear if they were living on their father's property, nor is it certain that the named Orband (Urban) was senior or junior, although it was likely Urban, Jr. This petition would never become reality since Tryon County was abolished in 1779 and replaced by the newly created Lincoln and Rutherford Counties. Many of these long time residences were again affected as neighboring county lines were again redrawn.
>>> This document shows the earliest consensus of the adopted spelling in the family name. All four of Urban's sons clearly signed their name using the "Ashabraner" spelling. Before 1778, Urban's signature appeared to vary greatly, resulting in a multitude of interpretations in spelling. The spellings varied to such an extent that I had only his first name and the location of the found document to go by to confirm the connection. There may yet be undiscovered documents waiting to be found. It is likely that the final variation in the spelling of this family name was meant to be "Ashabranner". This family name is phonetically simple and easy to pronounce. It is ironic that while researching my family that I would find this name so commonly misspelled. This presented to me an unusual circumstance to solve. How many spellings exist today which stem from Urban? I know of at least 6 variations: (In order of the highest common appearance in numbers.) [Date of the earliest known use.]

  • Aschenbrenner [1740]
  1. Ashabranner
  2. Ashabraner [1778]
  3. Asherbranner
  4. Asherbraner
  5. Ashabrann
  6. Ashabran

>>> I believe that there may be other variations in spelling used today. I am interested in understanding how each variation became created and when it derived. Please contact me if you share any of the above variations and when you believe it changed. Include your ancestral line.
>>> There also seemed to be a strange but common circumstance of flip-flopping the spelling from one generation to the next and back again. [ie: Ashabraner to Ashabranner to Ashabraner].


  1. German Speaking People West of the Catawba River in North Carolina 1750-1800; Compiled/Edited By: Lorena Shell Eaker; Page: 35-6; Published/Publisher: [1994] SCK Publications, P.O.Box 2125, Church Hill, TN 37642.

1781-1782 Loyalist Muster Rolls:

4 February 1781 Muster Roll; Major Nicholas Welch's Company, Royal North Carolina Regiment, Hillsborough, NC; 24 February 1781 to 24 April 1781.

  • 2 - Private - Philip Ashbranner [Page 376]

24 October 1781 Muster Roll; Captain John Wormley's Company, Royal North Carolina Regiment, Wilmington, NC; 25 October 1781 to 24 December 1781.

  • 2 - Private - Philip Ashbrannon [Page 403]

24 April 1782 Muster Roll; Captain John Wormley's Company, Royal North Carolina Regiment, Quarter House, NC; 25 April 1782 to 24 June 1782; 61-days pay.

  • 2 - Corporal - Philip Ashbrannon [Page 404]


  1. Loyalists in the Southern Campaign of the Revolutionary War, Volume I; By: Murtie June Clark; Page: 376, 403-403; Published/Publisher: [1981] Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc.

1783 Spanish Census of East Florida:

>>> On 3 September 1783 the Treaty of Paris was signed formally ending the American Revolutionary War. Separate agreements with France, Spain and the Dutch Republic were also signed by the Kingdom of Great Britain on this date. The Treaty of Paris was accepted and approved by the Congress of the Confederation on 14 January 1784. The treaty with Spain ceded the colonies of East and West Florida back to Spain. This ended the 20 year control of the colonies of East and West Florida by the Kingdom of Great Britain and a Loyalist sanctuary.

>>> Over the course of 20 years colonists and Europeans settled into East and West Florida seeking land and trade. It was during this period that East Florida became a safe haven for colonists loyal to the British Crown. With tention mounting during the Revolutionary War colonists from Georgia, North and South Carolina fled to escape unwelcomed support of the crown. Many Loyalists came to Florida thinking that they would remain subjects of the crown and would remain under the protection of the Kingdom of Britain.

>>> The new Spanish government quickly took a census of all residents. The residents were given the choice to remain here as Spanish subjects first by swearing an oath of allegiance to the Spanish Crown and, second, by embracing the Catholic religion by conversion. Residents were given 18 months to decide. Those who were not interested in the conversion had to relinquish their land to the new Spanish government.

  • Phillip Ashbraner - Native of: Pennsylvania; Occupation: Weaver; Marital Status: Bachelor; Note: Asks for Spanish protection until he can leave the country. Resident: Port of St. Marys River; County: St. Johns; Microfilm: 1014120.
  1. 1783 Spanish Census of East Florida; Compiled By: Susan Perterson; Publisher: USGenWeb.
  2. Ancestry.com - Florida Census, 1820-1890 Database; Microfilm: 1014120; Searched Under: Phillip Ashbraner; Published/Publisher: [2008] The Generations Network, Inc.

1795 Will of Urban Aschenbrenner:

Urban makes note in his will that Phillip must make an application within seven years to make a claim.


  1. German Speaking People West of the Catawba River in North Carolina 1750-1800; Compiled/Edited By: Lorena Shell Eaker; Page: 71; Published/Publisher: [1994] SCK Publications, P.O.Box 2125, Church Hill, TN 37642.

German Speaking People West of the Catawba River in North Carolina 1750-1800; Compiled/Edited By: Lorena Shell Eaker; Page: 35-6, 70-1; Published/Publisher: [1994] SCK Publications, P.O.Box 2125, Church Hill, TN 37642.

  • This is a great source for understanding the families who settled along the Catawba River. A well research book.

06 June 2008

Michael Ashabranner [1752-????]

>>> Michael Ashabranner is the son of Urban Aschenbrenner and Anna Maria Balty. Born on 2 July 1752 he was christened on 29 July 1752 at the Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church in the City of York, York Co., PA. Nothing more has been found to indicate that Michael lived into adulthood. No petitions have been found with his name nor was he mentioned in Urban's will. I have no belief that he also could have gone by the name Phillip, John, or Urban.

>>> Don't know where this descendant belongs. Look at my Descendants of Urban Aschenbrenner Chart to see how the relationships stack-up. Anyone with further information on Michael Ashabranner please contact me.

Sources and Citations

1752 Birth/Christening Record: Michael Aschenbrenner born on 2 July 1752 the son of Urbanus Aschenbrenner and Anna Maria was christened on 29 July 1752 at the Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church in the City of York, York Co., PA.


  1. Ancestry.com - York County, Pennsylvania, 1733-1800: Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church Database; Searched Under: Michael Aschenbrenner; Printout: 1 page; Published/Publisher: [2008] The Generations Network, Inc.
  2. Family Search - International Genealogical Index, North America; Searched Under: Michael Aschenbrenner; Printout: 1 page; Published/Publisher: [1999-2005] Intellectual Reserve, Inc.

05 June 2008

Sophia Ashabranner [c1745-????]

>>> Sophia Ashabranner is the daughter of Urban Aschenbrenner and Anna Maria Balty.

Children of Sophia Ashabranner and Lewis Frederick Propst:

  1. John Nickolas Propst

>>> Don't know where this descendant belongs. Look at my Descendants of Urban Aschenbrenner Chart to see how the relationships stack-up.

Sources and Citations

1766 Mecklenurg County Land Warrent Abstract:

>>> On 22 September 1766 - 400 acres/arpents on Clarks Creek.


  1. German Speaking People West of the Catawba River in North Carolina 1750-1800; Compiled/Edited By: Lorena Shell Eaker; Page: 333; Published/Publisher: [1994] SCK Publications, P.O.Box 2125, Church Hill, TN 37642.

1768 Crown Patent Abstract:

>>> On 28 April 1768 - 318 acres/arpents on branches of Clarks Creek. This land was sold on 20 August 1791 after Frederick Propst's death by his eldest son, John Propst. Lincoln Co., NC Deed Book: 18; Page: 562.


  1. German Speaking People West of the Catawba River in North Carolina 1750-1800; Compiled/Edited By: Lorena Shell Eaker; Page: 333; Published/Publisher: [1994] SCK Publications, P.O.Box 2125, Church Hill, TN 37642.

1774 Tryon County Land Grant Abstract:

>>> On 22 July 1774 - 164 acres/arpents on both sides of Leonards Fork of Indian Creek. Granted 2 April 1775. This land was sold on 4 March 1796 after Frederick Propst's death by his eldest son, John Propst. Lincoln Co., NC Deed Book: 18; Page: 28.


  1. German Speaking People West of the Catawba River in North Carolina 1750-1800; Compiled/Edited By: Lorena Shell Eaker; Page: 333; Published/Publisher: [1994] SCK Publications, P.O.Box 2125, Church Hill, TN 37642.

Arpent Conversion Chart - Distance and Length, Old French; By: Sergey Gershtein & Anna Gershtein; Published/Publisher: [1996-2005] Convert-me.Com.

  • I thought this site might be a good source to understand terms of length and distance.

German Speaking People West of the Catawba River in North Carolina 1750-1800; Compiled/Edited By: Lorena Shell Eaker; Page: 70-1, 333-4; Published/Publisher: [1994] SCK Publications, P.O.Box 2125, Church Hill, TN 37642.

  • This is a great source for understanding the families who settled along the Catawba River. A well research book.

Propsts in America - Lewis Frederick Propst; By: Bill Brobst; Page: 12; Printout: 14 pages; Published/ Publisher: [2002] Bill Brobst.

Propst, Probst, Propes, Brobst Family; By: Rudy Nothdurft, jr.; Page: 4-5; Printout: 5 pages; Published/ Publisher: RJN Family History Co., P.O. Box 114, Richland, SC 29675-0114.

RootsWeb.com - Catawba-West-L Archives; File: 0987219667; Subject: Re:[CATAWBA-WEST] N.C. Robinson/Robertson HELP!; Printout: 2 pages; Date Posted: 13 Apr 2001; By: alby6. Published/Publisher: [1998-2008] MyFamily.com, Inc.

  • I thought this posting would give other researchers a little more clarity into this family. I will explore this family further at a later date.

04 June 2008

Maria Christina Ashabranner [1743-????]

>>> Maria Christina Ashabranner is the daughter of Urban Aschenbrenner and Anna Maria Balty. Born on 27 August 1743 she was christened on 18 September 1743 at the Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church in the City of York, York Co., PA.

Children of Maria Christina Ashabranner and John P Stamey:

  1. John Stamey [1762-????]
  2. Henry Stamey [1765-1825] Age 60
  3. Peter Stamey
  4. Daniel Stamey

>>> Don't know where is this descendant belongs. Look at my Descendants of Urban Aschenbrenner Chart to see how the relationships stack-up.

Sources and Citations

1743 Birth/Christening Record: Maria Christina Aschenbrenner born on 27 August 1743 the daughter of Urbanus Aschenbrenner was christened on 18 September 1743 at the Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church in the City of York, York Co., PA.

  • Source:
  1. Ancestry.com - Search Under: Maria Christina Aschenbrenner
  2. Family Search - International Genealogical Index.

Cook Connections - Our Stamey Genealogy, Descendants of John P Stamey by Roberta Cooke Schmidt [1998]

  • This is a well presented "Descendants of John P Stamey" web page that provides about 5 generations of detailed information. Sources and citations are named along with contact information for other researchers interested in the Stamey family.

03 June 2008

Urban Aschenbrenner [1703-1795]

Urban Aschenbrenner came to America on 3 Dec 1740. He married Anna Maria Balty, the daughter of John Jacob Balty and Mary Sophia ?. See more below.

Children of Urban and Anna Maria:

  1. Sophia Ashabranner [1745-????]
  2. Urban Ashabranner [????-????]
  3. Barbara Ashabranner [a.1755-b.1806]

>>> Look at my Descendants of Urban Aschenbrenner Chart to see how the relationships stack-up.

1740 Passenger Ship List

>>> Urban Aschenrenner came to the America aboard the ship Samuel. This ship set sail from Rotterdam in the Netherlands and traveled to Deal, England where more passengers and supplies were picked up before the long voyage to America. Departing from Deal the ship crossed the Atlantic and arrived on 3 December 1740 at Philadelphia in the Pennsylvania Colony. Most voyages to the colonies were miserable. Packed to capacity ships were often overcrowded, with no privacy and offering nothing more than polluted water, and vermin-ridden food for the passengers. Food stocks were only large enough for the longest possible voyage. Ship Masters packed ships with as much human cargo as possible to insure many new laborers for the colonies and greater profitability for England. Many would become sick and some would die along the voyage with their families still responsible for all their expenses. Thus was a common struggle for many a traveler in the eighteenth century. Upon arriving he immediately took his Oath of Allegiance to the British Crown. On one ship list he was listed as "Orbinos ASHENBRANDER", age 37, while two other lists had him listed as "Urban ASCHENBRENNER".

>>> There is no certainty that he traveled alone since the ship's lists named only males sixteen years and older. He would have been born circa 1703. With the better part of his youth already behind him, Urban was faced with an unusual circumstance for a man of his age, to begin a new life in a new world and start a family. There is no evidence to support the idea that he traveled to America with a wife or any children. All supporting evidence indicate that he married sometime within 2-3 years after he arrived.


  1. A Collection of Upwards of Thirty Thousand Names of German, Swiss, Dutch, French and Other Immigrants in Pennsylvania From 1727 to 1776; By: Prof. I. Daniel Rupp; Page: 144; Published/Publisher: [1985] Genealogial Publishing Co., Inc., 3600 Clipper Mill Road, Suite 260, Baltimore, Maryland 21211.
  2. Ancestry.com - Database: [1] Immigrants in Pennsylvania from 1727-1776, [2] Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s; Searched Under: Urban Aschenbrenner.
  3. German Speaking People West of the Catawba River in North Carolina 1750-1800; Compiled/Edited By: Lorena Shell Eaker; Page: 70-1; Published/Publisher: [1994] SCK Publications, P.O.Box 2125, Church Hill, TN 37642.
  4. Immigrants to America Before 1750, Surnames A through Bat; Edited By: Frederick A Virkus; Page: 80; Published/Publisher: [1965] Genealogial Publishing Co., Inc., 3600 Clipper Mill Road, Suite 260, Baltimore, Maryland 21211.
  5. Names of Foreigners Who Took the Oath of Allegiance to the Province and State of Pennsylvania 1727-1775, With the Foreeign Arrivals, 1786-1808; Edited By: William Henry Egle, M.D.; Page: 204-6; Published/Publisher: [????] Clearfield Company, 3600 Clipper Mill Road, Suite 260, Baltimore, Maryland 21211.
  6. Pennsylvania German Pioneers, Volume I, 1727-1775; Edited By: William John Hinke, Ph.D., D.D.; Page: 289-291; Published/Publisher: [1975] Genealogial Publishing Co., Inc., 3600 Clipper Mill Road, Suite 260, Baltimore, Maryland 21211.
  7. Pennsylvania German Pioneers, Volume III, Facsimile Signatures Volume, 1727-1775; Edited By: William John Hinke, Ph.D., D.D.; Page: 295-8; Published/Publisher: [1934] Pennsylvania German Society, Norristown, Pennsylvania.

Survival of the Fittest

>>> "We often give little thought to our past. Our lives are filled with many day-to-day tasks and challenges that routinely occupy our lives with little consequence to our well being or survival." All that is known about Urban's origin began with his arrival. Little else is known about his life before coming to America. This part of his story leaves out, possibly, the greatest adventure of his life and one that we can only speculate upon. It is believed that many early German immigrants came from parts of south-western Germany, known today as the Rhineland Palatinate (Rheinland-Pfaltz) and Baden-Wuerttemberg. His journey may have begun here. While traveling down the Rhine River Urban may have encountered thirty to forty custom houses along the way taking some five to six weeks to travel through. This delay was often because not all of these houses were open along the way to Rotterdam, Holland. Upon arrival, he would have needed a place to stay while he waited for a ship to be ready to sail. This would have taken at least another five to six weeks. Securing his passage aboard the ship "Samuel", he may have had a short voyage of eight to fourteen days, depending on the weather, to Deal, England. The ship would have docked at port for up to ten days while supplies were loaded aboard, along with more passengers, usually filling the ship beyond the it's capacity. Now packed with up to 175 men, women, and children his ship would have been ready for the great Atlantic crossing. The voyage took some two to three months before arriving at Philadelphia. Some never made it; most vulnerable were children under the age of seven and the elderly. Passengers were often subject to choking stench, swarms of lice, chilling cold and dampness, hunger and thirst, and deadly diseases such as dysentery and scurvy. Of course, it is not known how long it took Urban Aschenbrenner to make his journey to America, nor where he actually came from.

>>> Some ships carried up to 200-300 passengers. In Urban’s case there were 175 passengers aboard the ship “Samuel”. There were between 47 to 67 listed passengers on the ship’s lists. All of those listed were males of 16 years and older. These individuals were all required to take an “Oath of Allegiance” to the Crown of England. When this ship docked at Philadelphia at least 11 listed men were sick, 15 more didn’t sign their own names (reasons unknown), and 1 listed death. No mention was made about the other passengers aboard. What can be understood from this is that there must have been extreme hardships endured by these passengers. The passenger lists noted illness for at least 6% of the working providers. Often, only the strongest and healthiest members of these families survived these hardships.

>>> Before deboarding the ship the "Oath of Allegiance" was made and all debts had to be settled. Some of these debts would have included the ship's transportation, food and drink, possibly clothing, lodging and other comforts and necessities incurred before and during the voyage. It was not uncommon, to settle some of these unpaid debts, by signing a contract of labor, as an "indentured servant" for an employer of up to eight years, sometimes longer. This indentured service sometimes separated families for the rest of their lives.

How many women and children were ill by the end of their voyage?

How many obligations were made for indentured service in order to pay off debts?

New World Pauper or Prince

>>> "I find it hard to imagine what life must have actually been like, in 1740, for my ancestor. No matter how many sources I collect, it only amounts into a glimpse of time, a vague moment in reality. Yet, I imagine so much more... until the next piece is found, and redefines the reality around me. Will this be the challenge of my descendants after me?"

>>> I don't have any records of Urban entering into indentured service but I thought that this topic was very important to cover. Most ship's passengers probably couldn't afford the passage fare. This fare was equivalent to about $176.00 in today's terms. I know it doesn't seem like much today, but credit didn't exist then for the poor. Consider the journey leading up to Rotterdam and the day-to-day expenses along the way. In some instances families were broken-up and siblings never seen nor heard from again when those passage debts could not be settled. Payment was often due upon arrival at Philadelphia. Settling these debts usually meant that the person would have to agree to be an indentured servant for two to eight years.

York County Pennsylvania Settlement

>>> Urban quickly settled in York County, PA. He married Anna Maria Balty/Baldy, the daughter of John and Mary Sophia Balte, of Roxbury [Roxborough] in Philadelphia Co., PA, and started a family by 1743. Urban and his family were long time members of Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church in the City of York, York County, PA. Church records show that several of his children were baptized there from 1743 through 1760. The first to be born was Maria Christina, on 27 August 1743. Her baptism took place on 18 September 1743 at Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church. Sophia was born circa 1745 and was probably named after her grandmother, Mary Sophia BALTE. Henry was born about 1747 based upon his tombstone reading. Michael was born on 2 July 1752, and was baptized on 29 July 1752 at the same church. Phillip and Urban Jr. probably followed. John Valentine "Felda" and Maria Esther were probably next in the sibling ranks since they were both confirmed on the same date. Their ages were likely close together. Maria Esther was born on 25 September 1760 and baptized on 19 [October] 1760. Barbara was probably the youngest child appearing to be the last one left at home appearing in the 1790 census. All of Urban's children were likely born in York Co., PA and baptized at the same church.


  1. German Speaking People West of the Catawba River in North Carolina 1750-1800; Compiled/Edited By: Lorena Shell Eaker; Page: 70-1; Published/Publisher: [1994] SCK Publications, P.O.Box 2125, Church Hill, TN 37642.
  2. North Carolina Genealogical Society Journal, Volume VIII, No. 4, November 1982; Translated/Edited By: Ute-Ingrid Seidler; Page: 194; Published/Publisher: North Carolina Genealogical Society.

Urban's Life in York County Pennsylvania

>>> Little is known about Urban's life in York Co., PA. On 7 March 1746/1747 Urban was involved in a boundary dispute with ________ McCOOKSON over land which sold for £ 5.0.0. Details of this dispute or its settlement are unclear but abstracts listed him as "Urbanus ASHLEBRENER". In 1749 Urban appeared as a witness in the will of John HENDRICKSON of Dover Township on 21 January. This will record his name as "Urban ASHBURNER". The most important remnant of his life in York County happened on 12 April 1754. John BALTE of Roxbury [Roxburro], Philadelphia Co., PA, died and left a will that was probated on 23 September 1758. In this will the following family members and abstracts were recorded:

  1. Mary Sophia - "To wife Mary Sophia my improvement and personal estate. At her death it is to be sold and divided into 2 equival parts, one to Urban Eschennbrenner and the other to Conrad Krider. If Conrad dies before his age or has no issue, his share goes to children of Urban."
  2. Jacob (his son)
  3. Urban ESHENBRENNER - "to son-in-law Urban Eshenbrenner after my wife's decease my great Dutch Bible and one small iron pot."
  4. Abraham KRIDER (son-in-law)
  5. Conrad KRIDER (nephew)
  • Executors: Mary Sophia BALTE, Thomas Looslee MILLER
  • Witnesses: Daniel BERNDELLER, Benjamin LEVERING, John BOWMAN

>>> This will solved many important issues and framed some abstract clues into chronological sense. I would be very interested in finding John BALTE's great Dutch Bible. This bible might hold keys to understanding where this family originated from. If Urban received this bible and it survived through time, it may have gone down one of the STAMEY family lines. I also have some belief that it is possible that his wife, Mary Sophia, is of the KRIDER family. Conrad was a nephew but I have not found any evidence to confirm which side he comes from.


  1. German Speaking People West of the Catawba River in North Carolina 1750-1800; Compiled/Edited By: Lorena Shell Eaker; Page: 70-1; Published/Publisher: [1994] SCK Publications, P.O.Box 2125, Church Hill, TN 37642.
  2. Special Publication Number 20: October 1982 - Surviving Early Records of York County, Pennsylvania, More Precisely Being Genealogical Excerpts from Will Book A, 1749-1762; By: Mary Barr (Bryant) Wilt; Page: 9; Published/Publisher: [1982] South Central Pennsylvania Genealogical Society, Inc..

Great Philadelphia Wagon Road

>>> The enticement of land grants drew many families to the unsettled boundaries of the colonies. Most of these settlers traveled by way of the Great Philadelphia Wagon Road often taking one of the many adjoining trails to their destination. Urban was no different, by 1766 he took his family from York Co., PA and settled in Mecklenburg Co., NC where he acquired a land patent, although he may have settled as early as 1762 no documentation had been found to confirm this circumstance. During this time North Carolina offered Crown Grants to the colonists. This may have involved several steps over a lengthy period of time and the payment of money for several services. A claim, application, or petition would have been made which would have involved marking the proposed boundaries and notifying the granting authority of the desired claim of which there may have been a fee paid. A period occurs when other claimants or neighbors identify and settle disputes. Improvements to the land may have been required as a condition to retain the property. There may have been additional waiting periods built-in as some patents were being processed in batches. The granting authority would then make a land warrant entitling the land to be surveyed. This order, sometimes issued directly to the surveyor would then be carried out. A survey or plat made by the surveyor would either be copied into or attached to the final grant documents. A fee was usually paid to the surveyor. The formal issuance and recording of the title would then be made by the granting authority in the form of a patent. Final fees were probably paid to close the deal.

Settlement in Mecklenburg Co., NC

>>> On 26 October 1767 Urban was granted 600 Arpens in Mecklenburg Co., NC on both sides of Pasture Branch, including his improvement, and joining WARLOCKs corner. Ironically his son-in-law, John STAMEY, was also granted a land patent adjacent to his on the same day. This land was 500 Arpens on the west side of the south fork of the Catawba River, including STAMEYs improvement, joining ASHABRANNERs line, WARLOCKs line and a point below the STAMEY house. A year and two months later, on 22 December 1768, a future son-in-law, John BORELAND was granted 400 Arpens in the newly formed Tryon Co., NC on the west side of the south fork of the Catawba river on the waters of Howards Creek, joining STAMEYs line, ASHYBRANNERs line, a hollow, and Ritchopes Corner. Urban's daughter, Maria Christina married 1st, John STAMEY, on 29 December 1761, and married 2nd, John BORELAND, after 1783.


  1. Colony of North Carolina, 1765-1775, Abstracts of Land Patents, Volume II; By: Margaret M. Hofmann; Page: 108, 123, 448, 467.
  2. German Speaking People West of the Catawba River in North Carolina 1750-1800; Compiled/Edited By: Lorena Shell Eaker; Page: 70-1; Published/Publisher: [1994] SCK Publications, P.O.Box 2125, Church Hill, TN 37642.

Wochentlicher Pennsylvanischer Staatsbote Mystery

>>> On 29 March 1768, the Wochentlicher Pennsylvanischer Staatsbote, a Philadelphia German newspaper published by Heinrich Miller, makes a mention of Urban as "Urban ESCHENBRENNER, on the Ridge (Ridge Avenue), near Philadelphia". In this abstract it appears that Urban resides in Philadelphia during 1768. This was a piece of the Urban puzzle that didn't appear to fit for many years. The above abstract, "on the ridge (Ridge Avenue)" refers to Ridge Road. This is a Road that turns and bends from the Wissahickon to the region behind Manayunk, and into Roxborough continuing on many miles beyond. Roxborough was where John BALTE and Mary Sophia __________ lived. I strongly believe that Urban returned during this time to settle the estate of John BALTE. The only thing missing is the will of Mary Sophia BALTE. It is possible that she may have remarried but I have not found any indication of this event.

>>> This abstract had created a great deal of confusion. There is no doubt that the Urban mentioned in this abstract, in 1768, is the same Urban who settled his family in North Carolina in 1767. There is some belief that this was another Urban, either his father or his son, but I strongly believe that he was there on business. The reason for this thought is that there is no further evidence that indicate his continued residence there.


  1. Genealogical Data Relating to the German Settlers of Pennsylvania and Adjacent Territory; By: Edward W. Hocker; Page: 100; Published/Publisher: [1981] Genealogial Publishing Co., Inc., 3600 Clipper Mill Road, Suite 260, Baltimore, Maryland 21211.

The Founding of Daniel's Evangelical Reformed Church

>>> On 26 October 1767, 50 A (Arpens) were granted to Matthew FLOYD consisting of land on the south side of the south fork which included a school-house was sold to Daniel WARLOCK, Frederick WISE, Orpan ASHYBRANNER, Peter STOTLER, Peter SUMMY, and Teter HAVENER for £ 10. Six years later on 9 January 1774, the same land was conveyed to the United Congregations of Lutherans and Calvinists, by Urban ASCHENBRENNER, a trustee, Daniel WARLOCK, Frederick WISE, Peter STOTLER, Peter SUMMY, and Teter HAVENER, all of whom were original founders. A church was organized that same year with J G ARNDT (Johann Gottfried ARENDS) as their first regular minister and Philip HENKEL as his assistant.

>>> The current existing building on this site was built in 1888 and considered to be the third one built there since this site was founded. [SR 1113 (Reepsville Road) northwest of Lincolnton.]


  1. City of Lincolnton - History; Published/Publisher: [2004] City of Lincolnton.
  2. Daniel's Evangelical Reformed and Daniel's Lutheran Cemetery - Lincoln County; By: W. D. Floyd; Published/Publisher: [1997] USGenWeb Project. This cemetery listing can be found on the following pages: [1] USGenWeb Archives; [2] NCGenWeb Location.
  3. Mecklenburg County, North Carolina Deed Abstracts, 1763-1779; By: Brent H Holcomb, C.A.L.S., Elmer O. Parker; Page: 116; Southern Historical Press, 375 West Broad Street. P.O. Box 1267, Greenville, S.C. 29601.

1778 Burke County Petition

>>> On 25 December 1778, residents of the newly reformed Burke County petitioned the Governor to remain a part of Tryon Co., NC. This included four of Urban's sons, Henry, Urban, Jr., Phillip, and Felda (John Valentine). All four brothers signed a Burke County petition in 1778/9 requesting the governor to consider the area where they lived to remain as Tryon County. It is not clear if they were living on their father's property, nor is it certain that the named Orband (Urban) was senior or junior, although it was likely Urban, Jr. This petition would never become reality since Tryon County was abolished in 1779 and replaced by the newly created Lincoln and Rutherford Counties. Many of these long time residences were again affected as neighboring county lines were again redrawn.

>>> This document shows the earliest consensus of the adopted spelling in the family name. All four of Urban's sons clearly signed their name using the "Ashabraner" spelling. Before 1778, Urban's signature appeared to vary greatly, resulting in a multitude of interpretations in spelling. The spellings varied to such an extent that I had only his first name and the location of the found document to go by to confirm the connection. There may yet be undiscovered documents waiting to be found. It is likely that the final variation in the spelling of this family name was meant to be "Ashabranner". This family name is phonetically simple and easy to pronounce. It is ironic that while researching my family that I would find this name so commonly misspelled. This presented to me an unusual circumstance to solve. How many spellings exist today which stem from Urban? I know of at least 6 variations: (In order of the highest common appearance in numbers.) [Date of the earliest known use.]

  • Aschenbrenner [1740]
  1. Ashabranner
  2. Ashabraner [1778]
  3. Asherbranner
  4. Asherbraner
  5. Ashabrann
  6. Ashabran

>>> I believe that there may be other variations in spelling used today. I am interested in understanding how each variation became created and when it derived. Please contact me if you share any of the above variations and when you believe it changed. Include your ancestral line.
>>> There also seemed to be a strange but common circumstance of flip-flopping the spelling from one generation to the next and back again. [ie: Ashabraner to Ashabranner to Ashabraner]


  1. German Speaking People West of the Catawba River in North Carolina 1750-1800; Compiled/Edited By: Lorena Shell Eaker; Page: 35-6; Published/Publisher: [1994] SCK Publications, P.O.Box 2125, Church Hill, TN 37642.

The Abolishment of Tryon County

>>> Mecklenburg County formed in 1762 from Anson County. In 1768, Mecklenburg County was divided to form two separate counties, one retained the name of Mecklenburg while the other became known as Tryon. The county seat for the new Tryon County became a town named Tryon, located between the present day Cherryville and Bessemer City in Gaston County. The newly formed Tryon County occupied all or part of the present day Burke, Cleveland, Gaston, Lincoln, McDowell, Polk, and Rutherford Counties of North Carolina and part of the present day Cherokee, Chester, Greenville, Lancaster, Laurens, Newberry, Spartanburg, Union, and York Counties of South Carolina. This county division was described as; "by a line beginning at Earl Granville's line, where it crosses the Catawba River and the said river to be the line to the South Carolina line, and all that part of the county lying to the westward of the said dividing line shall be one other distinct county and parish, and remain by the name of Tryon County and Saint Thomas Parish." This huge expanse of territory was never clearly defined until 1772 when the state line was resolved. This creation lasted until 1779, when the General Assembly further divided and redrawn the county "by a line beginning at the south line near Broad River, thence along the dividing ridge between Buffalo Creek and Little Broad River to the line of Burke County". In this action Tryon County was abolished to form Rutherford and Lincoln Counties.

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